The study was carried out to determine the effectiveness of demonstration and discovery teaching methods in agricultural education in colleges of education in North-west zone Nigeria. Pre-test, post-test quasi experimental design was adopted for the study. The study had three (3) specific objectives three research questions and three null hypotheses. The entire 1010 NCE II Agricultural education students of the twelve (12) colleges of education in North-west zone formed population for the study. A total number of 312 NCE II Students from three colleges of education formed the sample for the study. The instrument used for data collection was a 40 – item multiple choice agricultural education achievement test (AEAT) which was administer to students before and after exposing them to demonstration and discovery method Scores obtained were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and t-test statistics. The findings showed that, both demonstration and discovery methods of teaching had significant effect on the academic performance of agricultural education students, however, demonstration was found to be more effective than the discovery method. It was concluded that demonstration method enhanced students‟ ability to handle agricultural manipulations. The researcher therefore recommended among other things that curriculum planners should emphasize the importance of using demonstration in teaching agricultural education in colleges of education in north-west zone Nigeria, and encourage their use in teaching and learning procedures.
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